The Small Business Hub is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Kick Off in Business “Award Winning” Start Up in Business Programme!
This Award Winning Programme includes sessions on “Understanding Enterprise” as well as “Social Media for Business” and “Growing your Sales!”
This is a THREE Day Programme helping you to learn all that you need to set up a Business! If you are already a new Business and things are not working then perhaps coming on this Programme will help you get the basics in place to grow your Business …. You are welcome to book in for the Programme!

Want to start your own business or become self-employed?
Why not join us:
Next Course – 22/23/24 October 2018
9.30am – 3.30pm
Here at The Community Enterprise Centre
Kick Off in Business runs a FREE, 3 Day Programme packed full of fun, low-calorie business advice. You will get:
- Knowledge on how to setup business
- Knowledge on how to run a business
- Information on funding a business
- Why you need a business plan
- How to market your business
- Learn about social media for business
- Two recognised business qualifications
- Training delivered by award-winning business advisors